many sides to Rosey

25,762 poems read

two months ago
you sat up and said
you couldn’t breathe.

little did we know
it was the last thing
you would ever say

you closed your eyes
once again after
being made comfortable

little did we know
it was the last time
you would wake up

we watched and we waited
we held your hand
and we hoped and hoped

little did we know
we would never get
to see your blue eyes again

as your mouth moved
we tried to interpret and understand
hoping you would wake up

little did we know
we would never see
your sweet smile again

whenever you moved,
we all rush around you
in hope for a miracle

little did we know
there were no more opportunities
to hug you and say i love you 

yet i have to remember
you are now pain-free and happy
and that is what we all know

@ Rosey - all rights reserved
May 2012